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Bullying at Baphnom High School.

Foto del escritor: Gabriel Grela MesaGabriel Grela Mesa

Actualizado: 23 jun 2024

Survey, Analysis & Report

(From May 20th to 25th 2024) Surveyed Students by Grade


• Total Boys Surveyed: 163

• Total Girls Surveyed: 272

• Grade 7A: Boys 20, Girls 13

• Grade 7C: Boys 14, Girls 13

• Grade 7E: Boys 16, Girls 22

• Grade 8A: Boys 12, Girls 23

• Grade 8B: Boys 9, Girls 24

• Grade 9A: Boys 8, Girls 29

• Grade 9B: Boys 9, Girls 23

• Grade 9D: Boys 7, Girls 12

• Grade 10D: Boys 17, Girls 20

• Grade 10E: Boys 10, Girls 19

• Grade 10F: Boys 10, Girls 7

• Grade 10H: Boys 4, Girls 7

• Grade 10I: Boys 6, Girls 10

• Grade 11B: Boys 5, Girls 9

• Grade 11D: Boys 6, Girls 8

• Grade 11E: Boys 12, Girls 17

• Grade 11G: Boys 3, Girls 13

• Grade 11I: Boys 9, Girls 22

  • Global Analysis of Bullying Survey Results

The survey on bullying encompassed responses from a total of 435 students, comprising 163 boys and 272 girls across various grades. The survey aimed to gather insights into different aspects of bullying, including verbal abuse, social exclusion, damage to property, physical intimidation, cyberbullying, and students' perceptions of safety and reporting behaviors.

1. Called Hurtful Names or Insulted

o Boys: 78 out of 163 (47.9%)

o Girls: 94 out of 272 (34.6%)

▪ High frequency in several grades, notably in Grades 7A, 7C, 8B, and 9D.

▪ This is a significant issue for both boys and girls, with a higher incidence among boys.

2. Rumors or Lies Spread About You

o Boys: 40 out of 163 (24.5%)

o Girls: 79 out of 272 (29%)

▪ Particularly prevalent in Grades 7E, 8B, and 11E.

▪ Spreading rumors affects a considerable number of students, with girls experiencing it slightly more.

3. Excluded or Left Out of Group Activities or Social Events

o Boys: 23 out of 163 (14.1%)

o Girls: 31 out of 272 (11.4%)

▪ Notably high in Grades 7A, 7C and 8A.

▪ Although not the most prevalent issue, social exclusion is still significant.

4. Belongings Damaged or Stolen

o Boys: 91 out of 163 (55.8%)

o Girls: 127 out of 272 (46.7%)

▪ High incidence across many grades, especially in Grades 8A, 9A, 9B, and 11E.

▪ This is a major problem, affecting more than half of the boys and nearly half of the girls.

5. Threatened or Intimidated by Another Student

o Boys: 30 out of 163 (18.4%)

o Girls: 35 out of 272 (12.9%)

▪ Physical intimidation is a concerning issue for both genders.

6. Cyberbullied

o Boys: 19 out of 163 (11.7%)

o Girls: 23 out of 272 (8.5%)

▪ Present in several grades, notably in Grade 8A, 9A, and 10I.

▪ Cyberbullying, although less frequent, is still a significant concern.

7. Seen Someone Else Being Bullied at School

o Boys: 42 out of 163 (25.8%)

o Girls: 81 out of 272 (29.8%)

▪ Witnessing bullying is quite common, indicating a pervasive problem within the school environment.

8. Felt Unsafe at School

o Boys: 25 out of 163 (15.3%)

o Girls: 11 out of 272 (4%)

▪ Grade 7A boys (14) and girls (3) reported feeling unsafe at school, which is a significant concern.

▪ A significant number of boys feel unsafe at school, highlighting the need for better safety measures.

9. Missed School or Classes Because You Were Avoiding a Bully

o Boys: 18 out of 163 (11%)

o Girls: 15 out of 272 (5.5%)

▪ Grades 7A boys (13) and girls (13) have a high number of students missing school due to bullying.

▪ Missing school due to bullying is a critical issue, though less frequent, it indicates severe impacts on affected students.

10. Reported a Bullying Incident to a Teacher or School Authority

o Boys: 28 out of 163 (17.2%)

o Girls: 59 out of 272 (21.7%)

▪ Across almost all grades, there is a significant underreporting of bullying incidents to school authorities. Many grades have zero or very few students reporting incidents.

▪ Reporting rates are relatively low, suggesting the need for increased trust in and accessibility to school authorities.


  • Areas to Improve

Verbal Abuse:

Both boys and girls face a high incidence of being called hurtful names or insulted. Anti-bullying programs should specifically target verbal bullying.

Spreading Rumors:

This is a pervasive issue, especially among girls, and requires attention through awareness campaigns and support systems.

Physical Intimidation:

Strategies to prevent threats and physical intimidation should be prioritized.


With the rise of digital interactions, anti-cyberbullying measures must be reinforced. Implement educational programs focusing on the impact and prevention of cyberbullying.

Support for Victims:

Establish support groups and counseling for students affected by bullying. Provide training for teachers and staff to recognize and address bullying behaviors effectively.


  • Areas to Worry About

Property Damage/Theft:

The high rates of students reporting damaged or stolen belongings call for immediate intervention and stricter school policies.

Witnessing Bullying:

A large number of students witnessing bullying indicates a hostile environment that needs addressing.

Feeling Unsafe:

A significant number of students, particularly boys, feel unsafe, necessitating enhanced security and support.

Avoiding School:

Although less frequent, missing school due to bullying has severe implications for students' education and well-being


  • Areas Not Presenting a Major Risk

Social Exclusion:

While still present, the rates are lower compared to other forms of bullying. Develop programs that promote inclusivity and peer support to reduce social exclusion.

Reporting Incidents:

More work needs to be done to encourage students to report bullying. Organize workshops and seminars to educate students about the effects of bullying and the importance of reporting it.

Physical Safety:

Incidents of feeling unsafe are relatively lower among girls, but still notable among boys.


  • Recommendations

Implement Comprehensive Anti-Bullying Programs:

Focus on verbal abuse, rumor spreading, and cyberbullying.

Enhance Security Measures:

Increase supervision and security protocols to protect students' belongings and ensure physical safety.

Promote Reporting Mechanisms:

Encourage students to report incidents and ensure that they feel heard and supported. Create more accessible and anonymous ways for students to report bullying. Improve trust in school authorities to handle bullying incidents effectively.

Conduct Regular Workshops:

Educate students on the impact of bullying and the importance of a supportive school environment.

Provide Counseling Services:

Offer support to both victims and perpetrators to address underlying issues and foster a positive school culture.


  • Results by Grade:

Grade 7A:

High concerns:

▪ Felt unsafe (14 boys, 3 girls),

▪ Missed school (13 boys, 13 girls),

▪ Called hurtful names (11 boys, 7 girls)

Grade 7C:

High concerns:

▪ Rumors or lies (11 boys),

▪ Called hurtful names (10 girls),

▪ Felt unsafe (2 boys),

▪ Seen someone bullied (4 boys)

Grade 8A:

High concerns:

▪ Belongings damaged (9 boys, 21 girls),

▪ Called hurtful names (7 girls)

Grade 8B:

High concerns:

▪ Belongings damaged (6 boys, 12 girls),

▪ Called hurtful names (13 girls)

Grade 9A:

High concerns:

▪ Belongings damaged (7 boys, 27 girls),

▪ Called hurtful names (21 girls)

Grade 9B:

High concerns:

▪ Belongings damaged (9 boys, 22 girls),

▪ Seen someone bullied (16 girls)

Grade 9D:

High concerns:

▪ Belongings damaged (6 boys, 12 girls),

▪ Called hurtful names (5 boys, 12 girls)

Grade 10D:

High concerns:

▪ Rumors or lies (17 girls),

▪ Belongings damaged (10 boys, 15 girls)

Grade 10E:

High concerns:

▪ Seen someone bullied (10 boys, 15 girls)

Grade 10F:

High concerns:

▪ Threatened (9 boys),

▪ Cyberbullied (5 boys, 6 girls)

Grade 10H:

High concerns:

▪ Called hurtful names (4 boys, 5 girls),

▪ Rumors or lies (4 boys, 4 girls)

Grade 10I:

High concerns:

▪ Called hurtful names (6 boys, 10 girls),

▪ Belongings damaged (6 boys, 10 girls)

Grade 11B:

Minimal concerns:

▪ Few incidents reported overall

Grade 11D:

Moderate concerns:

▪ Belongings damaged (5 boys, 5 girls)

Grade 11E:

High concerns:

▪ Belongings damaged (11 boys, 5 girls),

▪ Seen someone bullied (5 boys, 11 girls)

Grade 11G:

Moderate concerns:

▪ Rumors or lies (6 girls),

▪ Belongings damaged (4 boys, 4 girls)

Grade 11I:

Moderate concerns:

▪ Rumors or lies (7 girls),

▪ Belongings damaged (7 boys, 10 girls)


  • Survey questions:

1. "If you have been called hurtful names or insulted by a peer in the last 3 months, write a check mark, or a cross if you have not experienced it.

2. "If you have had rumors or lies spread about you by other students in the last 3 months, write a check mark, or a cross if you have not experienced it.

3. "If you have been excluded or left out of group activities or social events on purpose in the last 3 months, write a check mark, or a cross if you have not experienced it.

4. "If you have had your belongings damaged or stolen by someone at school in the last 3 months, write a check mark, or a cross if you have not experienced it.

5. "If you have been threatened or intimidated by another student in the last 3 months, write a check mark, or a cross if you have not experienced it.

6. "If you have been cyberbullied (through social media, texts, or emails) in the last 3 months, write a check mark, or a cross if you have not experienced it.

7. "If you have seen someone else being bullied at school and felt too scared to intervene in the last 3 months, write a check mark, or a cross if you have not experienced it.

8. "If you have felt unsafe at school because of bullying in the last 3 months, write a check mark, or a cross if you have not experienced it.

9. "If you have missed school or classes because you were avoiding a bully in the last 3 months, write a check mark, or a cross if you have not experienced it.

10. "If you have reported a bullying incident to a teacher or school authority in the last 3 months and felt that nothing was done, write a check mark, or a cross if you have not experienced it.





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